About the LUNA Clinic

About the Clinic

The Lupus Clinic of Northern Alberta (LUNA) was established in 2010 to serve patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in northern Alberta.

Stephanie Keeling, MD MSc FRCPC


Currently housed in the Kaye Edmonton Clinic, this weekly clinic is run by Stephanie Keeling, a clinical rheumatologist and Associate Professor of Medicine with the University of Alberta. In addition to providing state-of-the-art clinical care, Dr. Keeling also participates in clinical research and participates in clinical trials for lupus. The promise of newer therapies for lupus has opened the door for collaborations with other rheumatologists across North America.  Currently, she is a member of the Canadian Network of Improved Outcomes in SLE (CaNIOS), a Canada-wide group of rheumatologists collaborating to study Canadian SLE patients and the “Lupus Clinical Investigation Network” (LUCIN), a North American network of rheumatologists who are working to improve the lives of patients with lupus.


3A Medicine Clinic, The Kaye Edmonton Clinic, 11400 University Ave